Thursday, April 28, 2011

Xaver Xylophon: Joy of Destruction

Above is a stop motion animation video by Xaver Xylophon.

As the title is pretty much self explanatory, this video was made purely on the concept of the joy of destruction. I have always been intrigued at stop motion videos, but this video had the perfect timing and perfect images.
I like the concept itself behind this animation, because I agree with it to certain extents. No matter how good-natured anyone is, we are only human. Sometimes, we feel good destroying things. Destruction doesn't have to be physical, it can be emotional as well.
Like at 0:30 to 0:33, the girl destroyed the boy's fantasy of Santa Claus and it made her feel good. It may sound evil or plain horrible, but people get enjoyment out of destruction in their own way. Also, people get satisfaction by destroying something they hate. For example, I felt relieved and happy when I ripped my chemistry notes into pieces.
It is the joy of destruction that makes us human. It is this enjoyment that created the world and the events that effects it, may it be in a bad or good way, although most of the time that enjoyment represents the worst in society. Even if someone denies it, there is certainly a part of him/her that enjoys destroying.
I think the stop motion technique was well equipped into this concept with excellent timing. The artist used different materials to create this animation: cutouts, video, photos. In a way, I think the cut outs worked best in the animation because they portrayed and reenact certain destructions that could not be done again.

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